The Annual Christmas St Vincent De Paul Collection takes place next weekend at all masses (7th/8th December 2024) replacing the usual Share Collection (Share). Please give generously.
Added on: 04/12/2024
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The Annual Christmas St Vincent De Paul Collection takes place next weekend at all masses (7th/8th December 2024) replacing the usual Share Collection (Share). Please give generously.
Added on: 04/12/2024
This year the feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on Monday 9th December. It is not a Holy Day of obligation this year.
Monday 9th December
Wicklow 10 AM
Ashford 10 AM
Rathnew 7 PM
Barndarrig 7.30 PM
Added on: 04/12/2024
St. Mantan Pastoral Area Funeral Team Ministry A meeting for all the individual parish funeral team and funeral team leader members will be held on Tuesday 3rd December at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Wicklow to refresh what we do as a funeral team member at a funeral Mass and Continue reading...
Added on: 01/12/2024
Added on: 29/11/2024
The Advent Lectio Divina starts on Wednesday 27th November at 7.30 PM in An Tairseach (Dominican Convent Wicklow) and will continue for the following three Wednesdays. Lectio Divina is a particular method of reflecting on the scriptures. All are welcome.
Added on: 27/11/2024
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Fr Tony Scully who died on the 17th November 2024. Fr Tony served as a curate in the Parish of Kilbride-Barndarrig-Brittas Bay from 2013 t0 2019. May he rest in peace.
Added on: 19/11/2024
Ashford Historical Society will meet next on November 26th at 7. 30 p.m. The venue will be Ashford Heritage Centre. The guest speaker will be the noted Arklow historian Jim Rees. He will talk on ‘Surplus People and the Fitzwilliam Estate clearances 1847 to 1854.’ This is one not to Continue reading...
Added on: 18/11/2024
St. Mantan Pastoral Area Funeral Team Ministry.
A meeting for all the individual parish funeral team and funeral team leader members will be held on Tuesday 3rd December at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Wicklow to refresh what we do as a funeral team member at a funeral Mass and Continue reading...
Added on: 16/11/2024
Next Sunday is Share Sunday. Its an opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude the support of parishioners for the Share Collection (The Second Collection taken up at Sunday masses). Share supports the Diocesan Administration who support parishes through a range of services from legal to financial to name but a few. Continue reading...
Added on: 09/11/2024
Bishop’s Conference Pastoral Letter on Immigration
Video Message from Bishop Donal Roche
Added on: 06/11/2024
Website sponsored by Flannery's Funeral Home
Bachelor's Walk, Wicklow. Telephone: 0404 61777 / 086 2508010 (24 hours)