Financial Support

(RCN) 20016166 and CHY 7424

The collections made in the parish are:

  • Envelope Collection (Family Offering) or by Direct Debit
  • Offertory Collection made during Mass (First Collection) for Common Fund
  • Share Collection made during Mass (Second Collection)
  • Christmas and Easter Dues and November Dead List

1. Envelope Collection

Each family in the Parish is asked to take a box of envelopes each year and on a weekly basis place an offering in the envelope and place the envelope in the collection bags during Mass.  This money is used to meet the running expenses of the parish, e.g. lighting, heating, etc.  It is also used to maintain and repair the Churches and Parish houses. Employees’ wages are also paid from this fund.  These are the ONLY monies available to the Parish to finance this expenditure.

If you would like to obtain a box of envelopes please leave your name and address into the Sacristy or Parish Office. Payment may also be made by Direct Debit Forms are available from Parish Office. It would also help enormously if you can contribute to the Family Offering by direct debit if possible.

2. Common Fund Collection; Christmas, Easter and Summer Dues

The  First collection taken up at Masses on Sundays and Holydays goes to the Diocesan Common Fund.  Christmas, Easter and Summer Dues are collected by means of an envelope, which is placed in a special box at the altar rails. The Dues also go to the Common Fund  These collections are centralised and go to make up the allowance paid to priests working in the diocese including the priests in our parish.  The common fund also pays an allowance to retired priests and those no longer able to work due to illness.

3. Share Collection

This is normally the 2nd collection taken up at Masses on Sundays and Holydays.  This collection is also centralised and goes to the Diocesan central office.  The monies are used to assist parishes in the building and maintenance of Churches and other parish property where a parish cannot afford the outlay from it’s own resources. The Share Collection also supports the Diocesan Administration who provide vital support and advice to the parishes of the Archdiocese.

4. November Dead List

This is collected by means of an envelope during October-November, which is placed in a special box at the altar rails.  All those on the Altar list of the dead are remembered at the Masses on the First Fridays throughout the year.

5. Other Special Collections

The Share Collection is sometimes replaced by “Special Collections”.  The proceeds arc forwarded directly to the specific charity.  These Special Collections are for Peter’s Pence (the Pope’s Charities), Crosscare, Missions, Lay Ministry, Catholic Youth Care. Accord, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

You can also donate online to the Parishes and other collections via.

Wicklow Parish

Ashford-Glenealy Parish

Parishioners from the Parish of ‘Kilbride and Barndarrig’ can also use the Wicklow Payzone page to donate to the First and Second Collections and the Christmas, Easter and Summer Dues.  See Wicklow Parish Donate Page