A very warm welcome to Fr Aquinas Duffy and Fr Gerard Deegan, who are both taking up their new positions in the Parish during the week.  We wish them both a very  happy  & pleasant  time with us in the parish.

And a very fond farewell to Fr Donal & Fr Pat who are both leaving the parish this week.  We wish them the very best of luck in their new chapters too.

l-r  –  Fr Michel Connell (visiting priest),  Fr Pat O’Rourke,  Fr Gerard Deegan, (new Curate)  Fr Donal Roche,  Fr Eamonn Crosson, (Ashford/Glenealy parish)  Fr Aquinas Duffy (new Parish Priest) & Fr Michael Scott (visiting priest).

Photo taken at the Blessing of the Graves on Wednesday 19th July 2023.