Special Schedule of Mass Times in St Mantan Pastoral Area Next Weekend

Next Weekend 8/9 February 2025

There will be no mass in Barndarrig (Vigil 8th February) or in Rathnew or Glenealy on Sunday 9th February. But there will be mass in

Ashford Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)

Wicklow Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)

Kilbride 9.00am (Sunday)

Wicklow 10.30am (Sunday)

Wicklow 12.00pm (Sunday)

Brittas Bay 12.00pm (Sunday)


Please note the next time that the special schedule of weekend Masses will operate

Schedule C:   1/2 March 2025

Wicklow Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)

Barndarrig Vigil Mass 7.30pm (Saturday)

Rathnew 9.00am (Sunday)

Wicklow 10.30am (Sunday)

Glenealy 10.30am (Sunday)

Wicklow 12.00pm (Sunday)

Schedule B:

Ashford Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)

Wicklow Vigil Mass 6.00pm (Saturday)

Kilbride 9.00am (Sunday)

Wicklow 10.30am (Sunday)

Wicklow 12.00pm (Sunday)

Brittas Bay 12.00pm (Sunday)