Advent 2023 Journeying to Christ

Advent 2023 Journeying to Christ

The ‘Journeying to Christ’ resource has been devised by the Diocese to support people and parishes as we grow and strengthen the synodal way of being Church that, under the guidance of Pope Francis, we have already started to develop.

Advent is a on opportunity for reflection and to devote time to our faith life.

‘Journeying to Christ’ is a resource to facilitate small groups to listen and share faith together. The resource uses the scriptures from the Sundays in Advent as inspiration. Therefore, there will be a gathering in the Parish House in Ashford each Tuesday evening at 8pm from Tuesday 28th of November for the 4 weeks of Advent. This will give the opportunity to be more prepared and enriched, to experience the liturgies and the season of Advent.

The 4 sessions are themes as part of one journey: GIFTED, BAPTISED, SENT and RESPOND

The structure of each session is the same.

  • It starts with people gathering and introducing themselves the first week. After that people briefly share anything that stayed with them from the previous week.
  • Someone from the group slowly reads the scripture reading. It is reread so people have the opportunity to hear something new.
  • Then there is time for reflection and sharing of thoughts prompted by some questions.
  • Following this there is reflective prayer and meditation.
  • The final part of each session is where people are encouraged to do something each week during Advent. Each session takes 45 minutes to an hour and all are welcome

Please text or WhatsApp your number to 087 2342355 to register your interest.